Hawker 800

The mid-size twin-jet corporate aircraft Hawker 800 chartered by Jetzhub is the perfect choice for luxurious and long-distance travel. Offering a cabin size of 16ft 6in x 5ft 3in, this spacious private jet provides you with ample room to stretch out and relax during your journey. Equipped with the latest avionics technology, this mid-size jet includes an Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) for improved visibility in low light or night conditions, a Global Positioning System (GPS) performance monitoring system and a Honeywell Ovation Select Cabin Management System that can be used to control all entertainment and communication needs. What’s more, the Hawker 800 has an impressive range of up to 2,697 nautical miles so you can reach any destination quickly and efficiently while travelling with Jetzhub in style. Let us help you make flying an unforgettable experience!